With the arrival of Archon Runtime on Chrome, it is possible to run Android applications on the Chrome browser.
The developer Brandon Pearse proposed a very useful tool in the XDA forum, this tool is called Chrome APK Packager and it is free.
However, it is not so simple to convert the application should not require root or any special permission. Chrome APK Packager also requires that you have installed the application to convert your smartphone, your tablet, or your emulator.
Before you begin, here are the facilities:
- Windows / Linux: The last 64-bit versions of Chrome
- Mac OS X: Latest version of Chrome Canary
- Archon Runtime Installed
- Unknown Sources enabled on your Android
1) Download Chrome APK Packager directly with his or .apk on Google Play
2) Install Chrome APK Packager
3) Open Chrome APK Packager, and select the application you want to convert
4) It'll just start the conversion and transfer the .ZIP on your computer (Linux, Windows or OS X)
Tutorial : make Android apps in Chrome (Windows, OS X, Linux and Chrome OS) turn .
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